Stress addiction is a pattern of behavior where someone repeatedly seeks out stressful situations or behaves in ways that increase stress.
Perhaps you're a habitual procrastinator or always waiting until the last minute to complete a task? Do you easily get bored?
If that's you...then you're most likely suffering from stress addiction.
You may remember earlier when talking about nervous system regulation that it affects your hormones and neurotransmitters. You remember that don't you now?
When the nervous system is in fight-or-flight, the stress hormone gets released (cortisol). Stress addiction happens when the nervous system gets normalized to the amount of cortisol in your system...
Just like when you need more alcohol, nicotine, or drugs to feel the actual effects of it. The same thing is happening here only with stress. Sooner or later...
Your nervous system is looking for the hit of cortisol, which eventually causes you to behave in a way that generates that stress. Is there a part of you that asks why you always self sabotage?
When you self sabotage, then you're in stress addiction. Can you see now why nervous system regulation is so important?
Constantly checking your phone
Easily bored
Comparing yourself to others
Always busy or enjoy working under pressure
Lack of self care
Difficulty with sleep
Self sabotage
A person may not know that stress addiction follows the same addiction cycle of drug addicts. Really, all addictions follow the same cycle whether it is an illegal substance or if it's stress.
Just like with any addiction, too much and/or for too long can be harmful. This is exactly how PTSD and other anxiety disorders develop...because of stress addiction.
Difficulty with sleep
Lower immune system
Anxiety disorders
Issues with memory and focus
You might have noticed by now of the relationship between NLP, Nervous System Regulation, and Stress Addiction...have you?
That's right! They all feed into each other! This also means that someone who is experiencing difficulties in one area of the nervous system either already has or will eventually have challenges with other issues.
How badly do you want to take back control? How would it feel if you had a game plan that allowed you to? Perhaps the best place to start is by booking a call with me now!
There's no need to hesitate to let go!
Would you rather stay stuck in stress addiction
Or would you rather breakthrough and become a better version of yourself?
NLP is a collection of techniques and strategies that use language to help people change their thoughts and behaviors.
Nervous System Regulation is the process of maintaining balance between the body's fight-or-flight response and its rest-and-digest response.
Stress Addiction happens when the nervous system is primarily in fight-or-flight. This can lead to burnout, PTSD, and other anxiety related issues.